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English translation for "meteorological elements"


Related Translations:
meteorological phenomenon:  气象现象
meteorological alarm:  气象报警器
meteorological satellite:  气象卫星
meteorological system:  气象系统
meteorological center:  气象中心
meteorological plotter:  气象图绘图仪
meteorological instrumentation:  气象测量仪表气象观测气象仪器学
meteorological range:  气象视距
meteorological turbulence:  大气湍流
meteorological calculus:  气象计算
Example Sentences:
1.Analysis of meteorological elements causing chilling injury to fruit trees in 2003 and defensive measures
2.It is a description of the meteorological elements observed at an airport at a specific time
3.Primary study of relation between death toll in emergency treatment and meteorological elements in alaty region
4.Analysis of linear interpolative standard error about meteorological element field in the southeast china
5.Taf is a description of the meteorological elements expected at an airport for a forecast period
机场天气预报( taf )载述关于某个机场在预测期内预料会出现的气象要素。
6.Study on laws of ground layer meteorological elements variation and fungal concentration distribution in air in beijing
7.The forecasting of meteorological element fields and precipitation is improved by use of the adjusted initial field
8.Hygrothermal performance of buildings . calculation and presentation of climatic data - monthly means of single meteorological elements
Similar Words:
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